Graphite | Metal silicon | Graphene | Si-graphene |
2.39 ~ 24m2/g | 2 ~ 100m2/g | 2,630m2/g |

EDS data of Si graphene nanostructure
Si-graphene compounds with 3D nanostructure, which are synthesized by chemical decomposition of graphite and
simultaneous bonding with Si, are a very simple process compared to the complex process of synthesizing with the existing
CVD, Hummer’s method, and can mass-produce high-quality electrode materials with vertically aligned structures.
EDS1 shows that the surface is covered with 54.4% Si before the 3D nanostructure graphene is grown, and EDS2 shows
that less than 1% Si is checked after the 3D nanostructure graphene is grown. It is a surface that can prevent dendrites
because there is no Si on the surface.

EDS data of Si graphene nanostructure
Si-graphene compounds with 3D nanostructure, which are synthesized by chemical decomposition of graphite and simultaneous bonding with Si, are a very simple process compared to the complex process of synthesizing with the existing CVD, Hummer’s method, and can mass-produce high-quality electrode materials with vertically aligned structures.
EDS1 shows that the surface is covered with 54.4% Si before the 3D nanostructure graphene is grown, and EDS2 shows that less than 1% Si is checked after the 3D nanostructure graphene is grown. It is a surface that can prevent dendrites because there is no Si on the surface.

Three-dimensional cylindrical structure
The porous nanostructure formed on the surface of the 300μm silicon particle is cylindrical in shape.
It is composed of graphene and metal molecules.

Three-dimensional cylindrical structure
The porous nanostructure formed on the surface of the 300μm silicon particle is cylindrical in shape.
It is composed of graphene and metal molecules.

Three-dimensional porous structure
A three-dimensional porous structure in which metal molecules are combined with graphene and silicon.

Three-dimensional porous structure
A three-dimensional porous structure in which metal molecules are combined with graphene and silicon.

Materials under development

Materials under development